Bhagavad Gita Study

300-Hour Teacher Training

Bhagavad Gita Study

Join renowned Sanskrit scholar and teacher of yoga philosophy, Patti Hammerle, for the study of the beloved Bhagavad Gita.

Dates: Friday, March 29 and April 12

Time: 6 to 9 pm

Location: Om Culture Greenlake

Cost:$65 per session or $120 for both

To register: email us at

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Restorative & Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher Training

300-Hour Teacher Training

Restorative & Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher Training

Restorative yoga is considered the true antidote to stress because it allows you to relax deeply with awareness. Relaxing with awareness is the key to bringing the mind-body into a state of balance or homeostasis, similar to the effect of meditation. It’s easy to be swept away by the demands of modern life. Today’s pace of life means we are often in a state of high alert, causing our bodies to release stress hormones that stimulate the ‘fight or flight’ response. This affects our ability to sleep soundly, digest our food, focus, feel grounded, and even our ability to conceive a child.
Come experience the profound, yet subtle power of restorative yoga in this program, and learn to craft thoughtful sequences for yourself and others.
Learning Objectives
•Restorative yoga philosophy, benefits & methodology
•The art of propping and supporting practitioners in the postures
•Functional anatomy
•Trauma informed yoga philosophy & practice
•How to work with students who have special physical needs or injuries
•Sequencing, including how to address stress, pms, perimenopause symptoms and insomnia

Trauma Informed Yoga Methodology & Practice

In this three-day training, you will learn the true importance and benefits of including trauma informed techniques into your teaching and personal yoga practice. Trauma is about what has happened to the body, not what is wrong with the body. We will cover the neurobiology (brain and nervous system) and physiology (body operating systems) of trauma and prolonged stress (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and how to apply this wisdom into your teaching. This approach will also provide support with verbal cueing and set up of postures, sequencing, and creating a safe space for all students.

Total Training Hours: 15


The training is held at Two Dog Yoga Studio in Lake City. This Restorative Training is also part of Synergy Yoga’s 300-Hour Teacher Training Program. You don’t have to be enrolled in Synergy’s YTT to take this training.

Cost: $450, which includes a training manual

Heather Danso, GCFP, E-RYT, YACEP

Heather is devoted to helping people lower stress and find new possibilities for health, through restorative yoga, through mindfulness, as well as through honoring the intuition and experience of each individual. She incorporated and Yoga and the Feldenkrais Method® into her life as part of her development of strength and stability after multiple injuries. Her 35 years of dancing experience, 15 years of Vinyasa, Hatha, Yin, and Restorative yoga practice, as well as intense work in physical therapy through multiple modalities, inform her understanding of the body and movement mechanics. Her journey to healing has led her to seek a mindful approach to moving—an approach based on body-awareness, compassion, intentionality, expressiveness, and fun. Her formal training as a dance teacher and high school educator gives her a deep understanding for how the brain learns and that, as well as her extensive experiences with physical therapy, Feldenkrais, and yoga, informs how she structures classes.

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Yoga Nidra YTT

300-Hour Teacher Training

Yoga Nidra YTT

Yoga Nidra, or Yogic Sleep, is a profound practice of relaxing the body and mind. Yoga Nidra can be used to overcome anxiety and stress, as well as issues with insomnia and restless sleep. Because of its profound relaxing effects on the body and mind, the benefits of Yoga Nidra include strengthening the immune system, increasing mental clarity and focus, balancing hormones, overcoming anxiety and relieving the stresses we accumulate in everyday life.
In this training you will learn how to create a safe and comfortable space for teaching so that you are truly effective in helping your students enter into the “Yoga Nidra” state. In addition to learning classical Yoga Nidra for deep relaxation, you will also learn Yoga Nidra specifically for helping with sleep issues, anxiety and intention setting.


Learning Objectives
•Yoga Nidra philosophy, benefits & methodology
•The art of propping and supporting practitioners in the postures
•Creating a safe space for yogic sleep
•Learn Yoga Nidra specifically for sleep issue, anxiety and intention setting





Friday: 6:00 to 9:00 pm
Saturday: 12:30 to 8:00 pm (30 min break from 4:30 to 5:00 pm)
Total Training Hours: 10
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The Art of Assisting

300-Hour Teacher Training

Hands-on Guidance

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Ayurvedic Cleanse

300-Hour Teacher Training

Ayurvedic Cleanse

Coming Soon!

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Reiki Training

300-Hour Teacher Training

Reiki Training

About Reiki
Reiki is a method concentrating and increasing the flow of the same Chi, Ki, or Prana we work with in yoga, chi-gong, and in martial arts. As Ki (or Chi) flows over and through us, it nurtures and supports us. Using Reiki to increase the flow it can also flush out energy that no longer serves us – stuck energy, stagnant energy, other people’s energy stuck in our space – replacing it with the fresh clear stream of our life sustaining energy. And so, Reiki helps move us into a natural state of calm, conducive to self-repair and healing; it helps us release patterning – built through past experiences – may be preventing us from being fully present.

About Reiki Level 1 workshop
In Reiki Level 1 training, you will learn the general principles of Reiki and its history. You will also receive two Reiki “attunements.” These attunements help open the energy channels that flow through the physical body so as to allow it to pass Reiki energy. Through enjoyable exercises and practice you will learn how to feel energy and how to work with it, primarily for self-treatment. This part of the course assists the integration of the energy and gives you the tools to become a Reiki Practitioner.

About Michael Emanuel
Michael Emanuel trained through the Reiki Training Program and became a Washington State Certified Reiki Master Teacher in Usui Shiki Ryoho in 2006. He is also a Registered Reiki Master Teacher in Karuna Reiki through the International Center for Reiki Training. Michael’s path to Reiki was slow. A professional engineer turned marketing and business analyst, he kicked and screamed against the metaphysical aspects of Reiki until he had
exhausted all scientific explanations and found them insufficient. In the end, he gave up resisting and decided to practice and teach Reiki instead.
Michael’s workshops invite participates to experience, play, question and test. They are designed to support those coming to Reiki with experience in other energy modalities, and those new to energy work.

Contact info:
Tel: 206.324.8424

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Stories Songs & Stretches – Early Childhood Education Yoga

300-Hour Teacher Training

Stories Songs & Stretches – Early Childhood Education Yoga

Inspired by Yoga. Informed by Science.

Stories, Songs, and Stretches!® envisions an entire generation of mindful kids who are school-ready in body, heart, and mind. We are a startup that provides adults with the skills and resources they need to understand and enhance early learning through embodied play. Sign up for our free newsletter below to stay up-to-date with helpful resources as they are released, have teaching tips delivered right to your inbox, and find upcoming training opportunities near you and online.

Stories, Songs, and Stretches!® was founded in 2018 by Katie Scherrer, MLIS, RYT after the 2017 publication of her book Stories, Songs, and Stretches! Creating Playful Storytimes with Yoga and Movement. Katie is a former children’s librarian, an early childhood education trainer, and a Registered Yoga Teacher who focuses on teaching yoga and mindfulness to young children and those who care for them.

Stories, Songs, and Stretches!® is inspired by the model offered by yoga of engaging the whole child – body, heart, and mind. It is informed by emerging science in the fields of child development, education, and mental health that shows that techniques that speak to each of these areas of development simultaneously can actually enhance early learning beyond what can be achieved by focusing on any one area in isolation. We call this embodied play. We create and share embodied play experiences that boost young children’s development in physical literacy, early literacy, and social-emotional skills simultaneously, using intentional, mindful movement and stillness. We are taking this model all across the country and beyond through our in-person and online trainings, helping to improve self-regulation in classrooms, inform the use of mindful movement in libraries, and increase family engagement in communities.

Organizations we have trained include staff at the University of Kentucky Family and Consumer Sciences ExtensionFayette County Cooperating PreschoolMountain Comprehensive Care CenterClark County (KY) Public Schools, and the Louisville Free Public Library, among others. We want to partner with you in spreading the joy of embodied play with the children and families you serve! Apply today to host a public or private training in your region, or explore our online certification opportunities.


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